NameDescriptionTypeAdditional Information

The Agvance ID of the Customer to whom the Sales Order is being sent. Either this or the CustomerGuid is required. If set, will be the value used on the Sales Order


Max length: 6


The Agvance globally unique identifier of the Customer to whom the Sales Order is being sent. Either this or the CustId is required

globally unique identifier

(Hexadecimal 8-4-4-4-12)


When more than one split record is provided, the default split relationship for new products added to the Sales Order. The line item SplitPercent property overrides this value, it is just a default

decimal number

Max of 4 decimal places

Range: inclusive between 0 and 100


When more than one split record is provided, this is an optional percent of the product this customer is responsible for. Used with field override splits when new products are added

decimal number

Max of 4 decimal places

Range: inclusive between 0 and 100


When more than one split record is provided, this is an optional percent of the product this customer is responsible for. Used with field override splits when new products are added

decimal number

Max of 4 decimal places

Range: inclusive between 0 and 100


List of Products used to fulfill the Sales Order. Each customer split has their own set of line items for pricing information and as such the products must be exact duplicates with the exception of the pricing information indicated

Collection of ClsSalesOrderLineItemAdd

List cannot be empty