NameDescriptionTypeAdditional Information

The Agvance ID for the Department in which the Product resides. Used in conjunction with the ProdId property to identify the Product for this line item. If populated, must exist the same for every split. Either DeptId and ProdId properties or ProductGuid property is required. If set, will be the value used on the Sales Order


Max length: 6


The Agvance ID for the Product. Used in conjunction with the DeptId property to identify the Product for this line item. If populated, must exist the same for every split. Either DeptId and ProdId properties or ProductGuid property is required. If set, will be the value used on the Sales Order


Max length: 10


The Agvance globally unique identifier for the Product. If populated, must exist the same for every split. Either DeptId and ProdId properties or ProductGuid property is required

globally unique identifier

(Hexadecimal 8-4-4-4-12)


The override product description for this record. If set must exist the same for every split. If left blank or null, it will be set from Agvance


Max length: 50


The quanity of the Product. This is the total amount for the Sales Order, not for each customer. Must be set the same for every split. Must be expressed in the Product's inventory unit of measure

decimal number


Max of 3 decimal places


The selling price per unit of the product for the customer on this split

decimal number


Max of 4 decimal places


The product price level indication of what level the price was selected from. If omitted, will be set to "List". This does not change the price that is supplied, only an indication to the user of Agvance what level the price came from


An indication of what split override was used for the SplitPercent. Must be set the same for every split. If omitted or set to zero, this property will be assigned based on the field selected, or set to 1 if no field is populated


Range: inclusive between 0 and 3


If more than one split record is provided, the split percentage that the current split is responsible for totaling to 100% across all splits. If only one split, this will default to 100%

decimal number

Max of 4 decimal places

Range: inclusive between 0 and 100


The lot number for the current product. Must be set the same for every split


Max length: 30


The Agvance ID for the Crop on this product. Must be set the same for every split. If set, will be the value used on the Sales Order


Max length: 50


The Agvance globally unique identifier for the Crop on this product. Must be set the same for every split

globally unique identifier

(Hexadecimal 8-4-4-4-12)


The Agvance ID for the Sales Allocation Number for this line item. Must be set the same for every split
